Image taken from www.six-pack-belly.com
I was reading “Here’s What Happens When You Drink 10 Cokes A Day For 30 Days ” recently and that the guy used himself to experiment on drinking 10 cans of coke for the next 30 days.
Well his weight increased despite his normal exercise routine and normal eating habit. So I am going to do the no sugar drink for 30 days.
The normal healthy sugar intake is 37.9 grams or 9 tea spoons for men. As for women, it’s 25 grams or 6 tea spoons. To tell you the truth, I have never measure how much sugar I take in a day.
I found another article “Our Year of No Sugar: One Family’s Grand Adventure” where the family of four did not take any sugar for a year, and they have very good results from doing this.
Below are my details:
Height: 169cm
Weight: 79/kg
Fats: 17.9kg
Waist: 93cm
The Reason Why
I do this is because I want to lost weight and improve my health. My fitness is good now, just that my body needs to be healthy. Want to try this together? Just share on the comment below.
Let’s see what happens after 30 days. Stay tune!!!
[schema type=”event” evtype=”FoodEvent” name=”30 Days No Sugar Drink Challenge” description=”Like to find out how my body will be after no sugar drink for 30 days.” sdate=”2015-06-02″ stime=”12:01 pm” edate=”2015-07-01″ country=”SG” ]
Cyrus Yung
June 3, 2015 at 10:24 pm
It’s been more than 24 hours since I stop drink drinks with sugar in it. Was doing my #O6P yesterday, when 3 students were promoting Gatorade drink in the stadium. I got hold of a pack of Gatorade powder, which I will used it when the 30 days challenge is over.
Cyrus Yung
June 5, 2015 at 7:33 pm
It’s been 3 days now, have very strong urge to drink some sugar drink, but did not do it. I must say that it can be done, just that I am at a very uncomfortable state.
Cyrus Yung
June 9, 2015 at 11:41 pm
It’s now 7 days, my urge to take sugary drinks has drop. I am able to taste more on the tea (without sugar) favour.
Though my weight remains, I look forward to the rest of the 23 days. B)