Online Reputation: How Much Do You Value Them?

“Choose a good reputation over great riches; being held in high esteem is better than silver or gold.” Proverbs 22:1 (New Living Translation)

Hi there, I am not trying to preach to you. This verse was written by King Solomon in the bible who was the richest and the wisest man in the world in his time. This advise is still true today, yet a lot do not realise what others have been sharing about their name online.

During King Solomon’s time, if you want to have good reputation, it has to be spread through word of mouth. Now, we have Facebook, Twitter, Weibo, recently Pinterest and other social media platform, thus making this spreading of news so much faster and very unpredictable.

The Internet has make it so easy and free to create online content, videos and photos sharing what they saw, heard, learn and experience, for everyone to research online. Research that can give good and bad reviews of the services or products.

How do you know if someone is talking bad about you, your products or services?

1) The easiest way is to search for the name of your company, or products, or services, or even your own name. You may not see any bad reviews on the first or even the second page of the search results (SERs). It is usually on the third page of SERs that you will see something interesting on the words you search online.

In this example, I used Tiger Airways because I had a bad experience with them, and I know that there are already bad reviews about them. I just need to dig for them.

As you can see on the picture on the right, that I search for “tiger airways” on Google. It was as I expected, on the third page of SERs that I saw bad comment about Tiger Airways.

2) The second way is almost the same as the first. All you need to do is to scroll all the way down after you search the keywords, you will see some very interesting links bringing you related search results to the keywords you originally search. See picture below. 

Click on the link that you think will most probably find comments or even a long review. Yes I found what were reviews and comments of the related searches. Try it now, and you will find a lot of interesting articles and comments there.

3) Another area that you can find out is the social media like Facebook and Twitter. See picture below what I found out about Tiger Airways.

It’s interesting to find out there is a facebook page dedicated to talk bad things about Tiger Airways.It’s true that good things do not travel fast but bad news do.


So the question comes on how do I get rid of all these negative things about me, my company, company products and company services? 

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