Ascelade Pte Ltd has been in operation since 2011, a lot have change and I have learnt a lot from these 4 years of operating business.
Today, I like to share what I have been doing to generate revenue activities for Ascelade.
1) Weekly BNI meeting (Networking & Referrals in BNI Ultimate).
2) Relationship/Power Team (Relationships).
3) Content (not that consistent, should have 8 articles per month, Ascelade blog and Linkedin).
For the first 2 activity, I have been consistent in meeting new people and building relationship together with them. You can see that the third activity is not that consistent, so I will plan to write more content consistently on my Linkedin and Ascelade’s blog.
Consistency is the name of being successful. I am not saying that I am very successful yet, but it has given results that I think can share with all of you.
If you are thinking of how I got to find out how I got to decide which activity to focus on, take a look or reference from the infographic below.
Do use the reference to determine the activities to generate revenue, cause it will help you to focus on your business.
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